Academic Council
For the panel consideration of the main operational issues there is a representative body in the center - the Academic Council, the main task of which is to coordinate the efforts of researchers and team members, aimed to ensure and improve all the main areas of the center's activities.
Following the completed reorganization and under Order No. 97 dated October 14, 2014, members of the Academic Council of the D.I. Ivanovsky Institute of Virology are members of the Academic Council of the Federal Research Center for Electrophysiology named after N.F. Gamaleya of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.
Academic Council:
- discusses topical problems of the development of science,
- considers the main directions of scientific and scientific-organizational activities of the center,
- discusses plans for research work (R&D) and development of the Center, long-term plans for R&D, based on the subject of the State assignment, scientific and economic interests of the Center,
- discusses the center's reports submitted to the Russian Ministry of the Russian Federation,
- considers issues of financial and economic activities,
- considers issues of personnel training,
- approves the topics of candidate and doctoral dissertations,
- considers the structure and staffing of the Сenter in accordance with the directions and tasks of scientific activity,
- nominates scientific works, discoveries, inventions for the state and government awards, and personal prizes,
- nominates candidates for Full Members (Academicians) of the RAS and Corresponding Members of the RAS,
- considers current issues of scientific, scientific and organizational, financial, economic and commercial activities of the Center,
- elects employees for competitive positions.
List of Academic Council Members
Leading Researcher, Laboratory for Comparative Virology, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor |
Head of the Applied Virology and Immunology Department, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor |
Head of the Comparative Virology Laboratory, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor |
Head of the Influenza Etiology and Epidemiology Laboratory, Doctor of Medical Sciences |
Head of the Arbovirus and Experimental Production Department, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor |
Head of the Laboratory for Chemical Therapy of Viral Infections, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor |
Head of the Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor |
Head of the Viral Pathogenesis Laboratory, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor |