Elena Ivanovna Burtseva

Burceva Elena Ivanovna Burtseva, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of Influenza Etiology and Epidemiology

In 1979, Elena Burtseva entered the Sanitary and Hygiene Department of I.M. Sechenov First Moscow Medical Institute from which she graduated in 1985. She has been working in D.I. Ivanovsky Institute of Virology since 1985.

In 2005, she defended her thesis for the doctor of medical sciences degree on the topic of Specific Prophylaxis of Influenza Infection in the Modern Epidemiological Process (specialty of virology and epidemiology).

Since 2007, she has been the head of the laboratory of influenza etiology and epidemiology of D.I. Ivanovsky Institute of Virology. Deputy director of the Center of Influenza Ecology and Epidemiology of D.I. Ivanovsky Institute of Virology. Since 2020, she has been the head of the State Viruses Collection Department, in addition to her other duties.

Skill improvement – certification course in medical virology, trainings on laboratory diagnostics in the cooperating WHO centers of influenza (RMIT, Melbourne, Australia; NIMR, London, UK; CDC&P, Atlanta, USA).

Deputy head of the Center of Influenza Ecology and Epidemiology of D.I. Ivanovsky Institute of Virology.

Head of the National Influenza Center cooperating with the WHO.

Expert of the Euro WHO task force on the human influenza viruses.

Member of the task force of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia for comparative testing of antivirus drugs and their combination for sensitivity to the relevant strains of seasonal and pandemic influenza viruses.

Range of professional activities: monitoring of influenza viruses' circulation and property; influenza vaccines and drugs; personnel training.