Lyudmila Vasilyevna Kolobukhina

Kolobuhina Doctor of Medical Science, Professor, winner of the State Prize of the Russian Federation, Chief of the Laboratory of the Respiratory Virus Infections with drug trials.

From 1968 to 1974, she studied at the Volgograd State Medical Institute. Since 1983, after completion of the medical residency, she has worked for the D.I. Ivanovsky Research Institute of Virology.

In 1995, she defended a doctoral dissertation on the topic: “Diseases Induced by Viruses of the Serogroup of California Encephalitis (Clinical Picture, Diagnostics, Outcome)” in the field of Infectious Diseases.

Since 1991, she has been the Chief of the Laboratory of the Respiratory Virus Infections with Drug Trials; since 2008 — the Head of the Department of Viral Hepatitis and Clinical Virology of the D.I. Ivanovsky Research Institute of Virology.

Continuous education – accreditation courses with the periodicity of 5 years, physician of superior expert category in the field of Infectious Diseases.

In 2000, she was awarded the title of the Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation in Science and Engineering. In 2004, the presidium of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences awarded her with the D.I. Ivanovsky Prize Diploma for the best research paper on virology for the set of studies titled “Results of Virological Studies of new and Recurring Infections by the Example of Arboviral Infections”.

Professional activities: study of clinical, pathogenic and diagnostic aspects of respiratory viral diseases with epidemic spread. Development of the strategy of effective therapy of influenza, including complicated bacterial infection. Clinical testing of new antivirus drugs against influenza and other acute respiratory viral diseases. Study of clinical picture, diagnostics and therapy of new and recurring infections including natural focal arboviral diseases in the Russian Federation.