Valery Vladimirovich Tsibezov
Cand, Sc. Biology, Lead Researcher of the Laboratory of Means of Specific Prevention of Viral Diseases.
He graduated from the M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, majoring in Biochemistry. Since 1985 — Cand. Sc. Biology. He has worked for the Institute since 2005. Specialist in biochemistry, immunochemistry, molecular and physico-chemical biology. At the laboratory, he is engaged in experimental work related to creation of immunochemical test systems of various formats (enzymoimmunoassay, immunochromatography, fluorescence immunoassay) using recombinant antigens of pathogens of serious human and animal diseases, as well as panel of monoclonal antibodies against these antigens. He has developed 14 commercial sets of instruments for diagnosis. He has 50+ scientific publications and two inventor’s certificates.