Nikolay Nikolaevich Nosik
Chief of the Laboratory of Viruses Ontogenesis
Head of the Department of Viral Replication
Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences
Nikolay Nikolaevich Nosik was born on April 7, 1932 in a family of doctors. After graduation from a high school with a golden medal in 1950, he entered the First Order of Lenin Moscow Medical Institute named after I.M. Sechenov, which he graduated from with distinction in the field of General Medicine in 1956. In the same year, he entered the postgraduate training program of the D.I. Ivanovsky Institute of Virology of the USSR Academy of medical Sciences. In 1959, after completion of the postgraduate training program, he was assigned to the position of Junior Research Fellow at the Institute of Virology, at the Laboratory of Virus Morphology (headed by Professor R.M. Shen).
In 1960, he defended a thesis for the Candidate Degree in Medicine.
In 1963, he was admitted by competitive examination to the position of Senior Researcher at the same laboratory.
In 1968, he was sent to WHO to work as an expert in virology. He organized a virology laboratory at the National Institute of Infectious Diseases in Delhi, India, that monitored epidemics of poliomyelitis and other enterovirus infections in India, and in other countries of South East Asia. The laboratory work resulted in prediction of poliomyelitis outbreak in Delhi in 1971, that was arrested through vaccination using a live vaccine against poliomyelitis. He participated in conduct of WHO training courses for specialists from countries of South East Asia, provided consultations on the work of national laboratories of the Kingdom of Nepal, Burma and Thailand in the sphere of virology.
Upon completion of his business trip in 1973, he continued working for the Institute of Virology at the Laboratory of Viruses Ontogenesis headed by him since May 1988. In 1973-75, he studied oncornaviruses, specifically D virus, identified at the Institute (K.V. Ilyin, V.M. Zhdanov). The studies he conducted at the Laboratory of Viruses Ontogenesis, as well as at the National Cancer Institute, Fort Detrick, USA, revealed the identity of oncornavirus D and the Meson-Pfizer monkey virus.
Since 1976, N.N. Nosik’s research work has been connected with study of interferon and its inducers. The program of studying inducers as promising antiviral drugs, developed in the Laboratory of Viruses Ontogenesis in 1976-78 (headed by Professor F.I. Yershov), enabled developing new principles of generation of interferon inducers as therapeutic products and justifying indications and dosage schemes, currently widely used in therapy based on interferon inducers. N.N. Nosik was directly involved in creation of such antiviral drugs as larifan (Latvia), amixin, ridostin.
In 1988, he defended a thesis for the Doctor Degree in Medicine; in 1991, he was awarded the academic title of Professor.
In recent years, N.N. Nosik has conducted research in two main areas: study of functioning of the interferon system as a part of a cytokine network in case of viral diseases and search of new antiviral drugs among interferon inducers and immunomodulators. Study of some compounds synthesized at the Moscow State University of Fine Chemical Technologies named after M.V. Lomonosov enabled revelation of some promising compounds, one of which turned out to be active in respect of the influenza virus and on the base of which an anti-flu drug (Ingavirin) was created (Valenta LLC).
Main publications
Nosik N.N. et all.\\ Study of chronical infection induced by monkey Maison-Pfizer virus in primate cell cultures. Problems of Virology, 1978, 2, p. 165–169
Nosik N.N. et all.\\ Specific features of interferon production with various inducer dosage schemes. Problems of Virology, 1982, 6, p. 92(732)- 95 (735)
Nosik N.N., Yershov F.I.\\ Clinical use of interferon and its inducers \\ Antibiotics, 1980, 9, p. 695–709
Nosik N.N., Yershov F.I.\\ Properties of duplex RNA as an interferon inducer\\ Problems of Virology, 1984, 5,с.599-602
Nosik N.N. et all.\\ Thymosin restoration of interferon synthetic capability of splenocytes of mice subjected to stress stimulation\\ Problems of Virology, 1985, 6, С.729-732
Nosik N.N. et all.\\ Interferon system in ducks with viral hepatitis В\\ Problems of Virology, 1989, 3, p. 302–304
Nosik N.N. et all.\\ Anti-viral and anti-stress activity of -L-Glutamyl-histamine and its analogs\\ Problems of Virology, 2003, V. 48, 1, p. 38–42
Nosik N.N. et all.\\ Advanced approaches to study and assessment of virulicidal properties of desinfectants\\ Disinfection Business, 2003, 4, p. 27–30
Nosik D.N., Nosik N.N.\\ Prevention of occupational infection with the human immunodeficiency virus\\ M. 2008, p. 57
Nosik N.N. et all.\\ Medical Virology, ed. D.K. Lvov, MIA. 2008
Nosik N.N. et all.\\ Fullevir. Study of anti-herpes efficacy in vitro and in vivo\\ Problems Of Virology, 2009, V. 54, No. 1, p. 15-18
Nosik N.N. et all.\\ Poliomyelitis in Delhi in 1971. A study of 16 paralytic cases\\J.communicable Dis.,1972,4,p.2-3
Nossik N.N. et all.\\ Poliomyelitis vaccination of infants: preimmunization status and seroconversion\\Bull. Wld.Hlth Org., 1973,48,p.195-198
Nossik N.N. et all\\ Interferon inducing and antiviral activity of aerosolized dsRNA’s\\ Book: Inreferon: properties and clinical uses, Lebland Pikes Found. Press. 1980,p. 239-247
Nossik N.N. et all.\\ Properties of interferons produced by different cell populations\\ Acta Microbiologica Hungarica, 1988, 35,4, p.397-403
Nosik N.N.\\ Two types of hyporeactivity to interferon production\\ Rev.E.virol., 1989,3,pp51-64